Tamar River Sailing Club
Contact Paul Wright
We have 60 club moorings lying downstream from the club house some four miles from Plymouth Sound. They are all fore and aft trot moorings and can accommodate boats up to 38ft. They are well maintained and in addition to the use of the mooring, mooring holders have:
1. An all tide all weather pontoon for accessing their boats and loading and unloading crew and provisions;
2. Two slips for launching tenders and dinghies and, with permission from the Quay Master, to dry out and scrub off their hulls mid season;
3. Tender racks for either rigids or inflatables;
4. A paddle and outboard engine store (currently with a small waiting list for space); and as members of the club
5. The use of all club facilities.
Moorings are subject to the club rules as well as those set out by the Harbour Authority and Plymouth City Council. When you become a mooring holder you will receive the full set of rules governing moorings. The remainder of these pages do not attempt to cover all of these rules but will hopefully provide you with some overview information which we hope you will find useful.
Mooring holders must complete the mooring renewal form every year and provide a copy of their current insurance certificate to confirm that they have adequate insurance in accordance with the clubs handbook – as a minimum this should include wreck recovery and £3m third party cover. Mooring Renewal form
Paul Wright – Mooring Master
Adam Hawson – Assistant Mooring Master
Mooring Applications and Allocation
Moorings are allocated each year, mostly to existing mooring holders who renew their mooring applications in December. However, around 10% of mooring holders each year decide not to renew their mooring applications so moorings become available to new mooring holders. To be eligible for a mooring you must:
1. Be a member of the club; and
2. Complete a mooring application with the deposit (currently £100, refundable within 14 days should you change your mind)
Where there is a waiting list applications will be prioritised in the order of their receipt by the Mooring Master.
Click below for mooring application form, Quick Facts and Mooring specification:
- Mooring Application
- Mooring quick facts
- TRSC Mooring Specification
- Pick-up Gear diagram
- TRSC Mooring Terms and Conditions
- Mooring Renewal form
Apart from your annual membership fee, in 2024, a new mooring member will also pay;-
- A one off joining fee of £25,
- A mooring maintenance fee of £210,
- A mooring rental fee consisting of a fixed charge for the first 20 feet of your boat length of £220,
- An additional rental fee of £7.50 per foot for LOA beyond 20 feet.
In addition to the above, all new members will pay to “own” a shareholder stake in a club mooring at a cost of £350 which is paid over the first 2 years. Your initial mooring deposit of £100 (mentioned above) goes towards this. You will then pay a further payment of £100 within your first invoice, then the balance of £150 in the second year. However, £250 of this will be returned to you when you relinquish your mooring.
In general new mooring holders are allocated moorings furthest downstream from the club house. Movement up the trots closer to the club house and pontoon is based on length of tenure as a mooring holder. Typically the mooring holders closest to the club have held their moorings for more than ten years, and in the first five years of holding a mooring you are likely to be in the third furthest away from the club. However, it is quieter further downstream, you are nearer the sea and finally if you make a complete mess of picking up your mooring their will be fewer spectators!
Temporary Moorings
We are sometimes able to offer temporary moorings during the season, and occasionally for a whole season. This happens when a member moves their boat away for an extended period. If you would like to apply for a temporary mooring you should:
1. Be a member of the club
2. Complete a temporary mooring application with the deposit (currently £100)
The cost of the mooring must be negotiated with the permanent mooring holder.
A temporary mooring application form is attached.
Mooring Holders Pick-up Gear
It is important that mooring holders gear is sufficient for the rigours of strong winds and tides which, despite the fact that we are well inland, can sometimes be quite strong. The full specification is attached and should be viewed as the minimum requirement. All our boats are at risk if any mooring holder cuts corners on their pick-up gear. Pick-up Gear diagram
Winter Storage
From October to April the club car park and dinghy store areas are cleared for winter storage of members boats at very competitive rates. We have space for between 50 and 55 boats dependent on their size. Allocation of space for storage in the car park is not guaranteed for mooring holders and is dependent among other things on length of membership of the club. Having said that we are only oversubscribed by a small amount and this year there were only two boats we could not accommodate.
The lift in and lift out are communal ventures and while we hire a crane all other activities are carried out by club members who are trained and carry the appropriate certificates for the various safety, supervision and management roles associated with lifting operations. We lift out typically over a full weekend in October and a final third day in November. We lift back in on two days, one in mid March and one in mid April. All boat owners with boats in the yard must attend and help at all lifts, and attend work parties to clear the yard in the autumn and re-lay it out as a car park and dinghy storage area in the spring.
Annual Timetable
December | Mooring holders apply for their moorings |
January | Provisional mooring allocations made |
February | Winter maintenance carried out by mooring contractor |
March | Final maintenance completed and final mooring allocations |
March / April | Most boats lifted in |
April to October | Boats on moorings, great weather and we all go sailing |
October /November | Most boats lifted out |
November to March | Some boats stay in for the winter |