People or companies that have delivered good results for members

The people or companies details shown below have done good work in the recent past for individual members and may be a good source of information or help for other members – the club isn’t making a recommendation, the individuals are.




Insurers of members boats and sponsors of the Yacht regatta.

Pantaenius  01752 223656

Mike Stone

Peter Preston

The Chandlery. 01752 270909

Based in Mayflower Marina they have a large selection of bits for boats, cleaning products, electronics and often components, rather than only full unit replacement.

The Chandlery have kindly sponsored the club rescue boats, providing anti-foul.





Mike Stone – 07958 297 664.

Marine engineering from outboard servicing, through engine overhauls to major whole yacht refits

Mike has serviced my engines for a number of years and I have sailed many miles on a yacht where he had done a major refit for a demanding owner. Everything was well done and in the right place, oh and it all worked well…

Peter Preston – 07770 408 126

Dart Sails. 07773 909 206

I have used Dart Sails for sail repairs, sail laundry, alterations an canvas-work and it’s all been good work, delivered on time and at a decent price.

Peter Preston 07770 408 126

GRP Services , Paul Wright – 07779 349 163

Paul has polished the hull, filled gel dings with colour matched gel-coat – all to a very high level of finish… you can’t see the scratches and dings anymore but you can see your reflection in the hull. A perfectionist.

Peter Preston – 07770 408 126

Suppliers of club branded hoodies ,T-shirts etc…

You will need to use the phrase TRSC22 to place an order

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