
Tamar River Sailing Club


The Tamar River Sailing Club welcomes prospective  new members.  If you would like to learn more about joining this friendly club, then please feel free to come along to the clubhouse and find out more about us.  We are always open on a Wednesday and Friday evening (7-10pm) and this is usually a good time to meet up with other members and find out what we are about.  We are also open on a Monday evening when yacht racing is on and a Sunday afternoon between 4-8pm.

To become a member you will need to:

  • Complete three visits to the clubhouse (which must be verified in the visitor book by a Full Member)
  • Complete and return the membership form which can be downloaded or obtained from the Clubhouse. Your form will need to be displayed on the club notice board for at least  days prior to the next committee meeting.
  • For our Membership Application Form see bottom of page.
  • Once approved you will be invoiced according to the membership required.
  • When payment has been received your membership card and bar vouchers will be issued.
  •  (Mooring membership requires completion of separate Mooring Application form – see Mooring Section on website).

The Membership Categories are as follows and run for 12 months from 1 January each year. Joint memberships include children up to 18 years old (Family) and the main holder is entitled to voting rights. All classes of membership (excluding cadets) include £50 complimentary Bar /Food Vouchers.

Joint Memberships 2024:

Mooring* Holder Full & Partner (includes tender storage)    £345*

Sailing Full & Partner (includes tender storage or dinghy storage)   £235

Full & Partner (does not include tender/dinghy storage) £185

(all the above categories include children under 18 & £50 bar card)

Shore (Joint) £140


Single Memberships 2024:

Mooring* Holder Full (includes tender storage) £300*

Sailing Full (includes tender storage or dinghy storage) £190

Full (does not include tender/dinghy storage) £140

(all the above categories include children under 18 & £50 bar card)

Shore (Single) £95

Under 25 (living at home) £45 (no bar card)

Cadet. (no bar card) £15

There is a New Members Joining Fee  of £25

Membership Secretary

Or use our contact form

Membership Application Form

Membership application form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)


    Your Message

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