The cadet training section is open to young people who are still in full time education. The club has four Topper dinghies, five Pico’s, 3 RS Fevas, 2 Visions, 1 Vago and three Lasers. These are used to teach sailing and boat handling skills, and to introduce young people to racing in the club and local regattas.
Family members are welcome but for children under 12 we would like a responsible adult to be in attendance on the quay during structured sessions. Young people who are not family members must join the club as cadet members in their own right, costs are reasonable and we believe this helps to develop independence and commitment. A small fee is charged for the training sessions. Hot snacks are usually available after most sessions for a modest charge.
Sessions normally start at about 17:30 and close just after 20:00 during the summer school term on one evening of the week.
The club is an RYA Recognised Training Centre and young people will work with voluntary tutors towards the appropriate award in the RYA training scheme.
Youngsters have the option of progressing to racing the Toppers or other dinghies, cruising or crewing with cruiser racing fleet.
Safety Craft
The club maintains safety boats, to support club racing, cadets and other club activities. Operation of these boats is restricted to club members holding appropriate qualifications, and supporting recognised club activities. We can offer training to members who volunteer to help us.
Looking forward to seeing you in the club or on the water.
Tony Ryan